Tuesday, December 18, 2012

24 weeks

Today I am 24 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of a cantaloupe and his skin is getting less opaque and more pink. We've also reached viability which is a big goal every pregnancy. While I need him baking as long as possible if he were to come into the world right now he would have anywhere from a 39-70% chance of survival depending on what website you look it up. It always makes me feel 100x's better seeing that statistic.

So what happened this past week? Here not very much. The main thing that I was working towards on Sunday where I was accepted into the Episcopal Church. Originally I was brought up in the Catholic Church, but I realized it just wasn't the right place for me to be in. Especially with this surrogacy journey i'm on i've become to feel more uncomfortable with attending because to them what i'm doing is wrong. Thankfully I am now in a Church that I not only feel comfortable in but just fully feels right.

Like most of the US and possibly the world i've also felt pretty upset over what happened in Newtown CT. As much as i've tried to just ignore the coverage and not focus on it it's hard not to. I guess it may have to do with now being a parent and realizing just how lucky I am to have two girls that I can cuddle,play,feed, and tuck in at night while 20 parents are not having that opportunity right now. While i'm not even sure who really reads this blog I ask that anyone who gets to this post tonight to just hug your loved ones and keep those families in your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Events like Newtown certainly make the stresses of the day (tantrums, fussing, children who don't listen) seem less important and you remember how lucky you are to have those whiny kids. Those parents would give anything to have their kids back. I don't take it for granted that I have mine.
