Tuesday, October 23, 2012

16 weeks

Today I am 16 weeks 6 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of an avacado. This week s/he will be able to hear me talk. S/he is also growing hair,lashes, and eyebrows and forming taste buds.

So going into my 16th week I was starting to feel better. I think a lot of it may have had to do with the cotton being cut and put together near us. Unfortunately on Thursday I got some upsetting news that someone close to us passed away. This person has been to many events with us and is part of our family so it was really shocking to know they were gone. I continued to get things ready for R's party and on Saturday I went to the visitation to say goodbye before picking up the cake and heading home. The party went pretty well. R absolutely loved her cake.

Week 15

Today I am actually past 15 weeks pregnant. Baby piki that week was the size of a naval orange. S/he really starts to move around this week and may even start hiccuping.

 We were quite busy that week with different things we had to go to. R's first birthday party was coming up so I was trying to make sure I got everything I needed for it. Thankfully R was feeling better (and sporting a new front tooth finally) but unfortunately by the end of the week I started getting sick. I felt like my throat was on fire, chills, low fever, sinus issues.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 14

Today I am 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of a lemon and can now suck his/her thumb and wiggle his/her toes. His/her kidneys,liver, and spleen are now working too.

Still tired, but doing good. The food aversions are not as bad as they were a few weeks ago which is pretty awesome. I've been working on getting things set up for R's 1st birthday in a few weeks. I can't believe in 16 days I will have a 1 and almost 2 year old!  

Unfortunately we've also had some sick little babies in our house. It started with D having some issues and a fever. Then on Saturday R started getting a runny nose, fever, cough, and is overall feeling like crap. I feel so bad for her.

Last week I also had a doctors appointment with R. She's definitely right on track and is now only a few pounds lighter than her sister which is pretty crazy because D was 4lbs lighter than her at that age. I've gained 4lbs so far in the past 14 weeks so that really isn't too bad.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

13 weeks

Today I am actually 14 weeks (sorry!) and baby piki is the size of a peach. This week s/he is forming teeth and vocal cords. As well s/he is approaching normal proportions!

Still super sleepy but doing pretty good! My little R is perfecting the art of walking and starting taking more than just a few steps. D didn't start doing this until 14 months so this is very exciting to us. I know it has a lot to do with trying to catch up to her big sister. We also finally set up when D&J are going to come out! They'll be getting here on the 9th, ultrasound is on the 10th, and then they'll be going home on the 13th. Even though at one point I was going to try and plan a party I realize it might be a little hard to do so we won't be having that and I have decided to fully go team green this time. For those who may not know what that means while they will find out the gender I will not. I like to plan things and have everything ready for when baby gets here which is why I could never do this with my own kids no matter how much I may have wanted too.Since I won't be taking care of this baby I feel like I can really do it this time and i'm very excited about it.

That's about all for now. Week 14 will definitely be up before week 15, I promise!