Tuesday, September 25, 2012

12 weeks

Today I am 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of a plum. This week s/he is developing reflexes and is opening closing fingers and curling toes.

Besides wanting to sleep a lot I haven't been feeling sick anymore. I'm contributing this to being so close into getting into the second trimester (which is tomorrow).  Last Wednesday when I became 12 weeks dh and I decided we were going to take a trip to see family in Chicago. Unfortunately there are no pictures because I forgot my SD card, but we had lots of fun. We went to a lot different places to eat that we really love, got to visit with family and let them meet R for the first time, and on Saturday went to a pumpkin/apple picking place. D really loves her apples and ate 3-4 of them while we were picking them. I'm pretty sure i've been feeling small movement lately which is always fun. I really can't wait to feel actual kicks and rolls.

11 weeks

Today i'm actually 12 week and 6 days pregnant and I wasn't able to post for 11 weeks. Baby Piki this week was the size of a lime and that week their fingers/toes were no longer webbed and they were tooth buds and hair follicles.

Overall I felt okay. I know the week before I had posted about all the issues with getting our new bed. Well after having to wait 2 hours past the time it was suppose to be there and being up until midnight putting it all together we finally had our new bed. It took me a few days to get use to it (since I felt like I was sleeping in a hotel bed) but I love it now. I look forward to bedtime every night. Here is a picture of it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 weeks

Today i'm 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of a prune. This past week bones and cartilage start taking form and vital organs start to function.

I know this is pretty late in the week and tomorrow will start week 11. We've had internet problems...again. It's been really frustrating. As well we had issues with ordering a new bed. We bought a mattress/bed around labor day and they were suppose to be in this weekend. On Saturday when I called the place I found out that something happened to it and were offering to wrap up the store model. Uh..no. We got our refund and spent most of the day looking for a new bed which will be here tomorrow. Then the mattress never got delivered. I can't describe the level of pissed of pregnant lady that happened at 10:01 when the guy was still not there. So keep your fingers crossed I post about a nice new fluffy bed for my 11 week update.

I've been feeling a bit better, though I still really want a nap everyday. I've also been pretty sick a few times too. Just 1 more week of all of the pills and progesterone and then I can hopefully just relax and enjoy.  As well i've been messing with my doppler. As soon as I have a time without screaming kids I want to video it for you readers and of course for the IP's.

Other than that, it's about all that's going on. I did finally make my pregnancy FB official which was pretty fun. I never quite knew what i'd say but with one of my new favorite shows (The New Normal) that is about a girl being a surrogate for a gay couple, it seemed perfect.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9 weeks

Today I am 9 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I would have wrote this over the weekend, but with loss of internet, storms, and bed shopping I got side tracked. Baby piki is the size of an olive. S/he is now considered a fetus and is getting distinctive facial features and baby could possibly heard on a doppler. Since I couldn't find my doppler, I decided to buy one last week and it should be here by the end of the week along with our new bed frame and mattress.

This week i've come to realize some things. 1)Meat is not my friend. The foods I use to love both pregnant and not are becoming so gross and make me so sick to my stomach i've decided that at least for a month or two i'm going to try to go meat free until I can handle it again.

2)I am already popping and that's just crazy. With D I started around 16 weeks, the next year with R it was at 13 weeks. Since i'm almost 10 weeks I just cannot believe it's already looking the same as those two times in pregnancy even if it's just bloat.