Friday, August 24, 2012

8 weeks

Today I am 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of a raspberry. This week s/he is developing taste buds and is starting to make little movements that I won't be feeling for another 10 weeks. I had my followup ultrasound on Tuesday. Unfortunately Baby B shrunk so i'm back to a singleton pregnancy. I will admit it was exciting knowing of the possibility of twins, but it's worked out for the best. The baby's heartrate was 178bpm (beats per minute) and was measuring 2 days ahead at 8 weeks 1 day (when i'm 7 weeks 6 days). I was also officially released from the fertility clinic.  Here is Piki's 8 week picture!
 Afterwards my mom, the kids, and I went shopping. There is only one actual maternity store near us and that's 1 1/2 hours away (20 minutes from the clinic) so we had lunch and spent some money! I spent some of the money I would have used for maternity clothes and have a lot of things to make cute outfits. I also got something i've been eyeing for awhile. The store that sells these in town didn't have them in stock, so I was so excited to see it in Memphis. Aren't they pretty?

So far this week the only symptom that's really getting to me is nausea. It comes and goes but it's determinately draining. I've also been able to still take naps everyday with my kids. I've also had some pretty crazy cravings. I'll go from wanting one thing to another not long later. I've also begun to not enjoy some foods I would have liked.

Even though this isn't pregnancy related i've had two really awesome things happen this week. One being the birth of my friends 2nd child but first girl. The second is today one of my great friends and another who i've known since I was a child got married today. I'm just so excited for all of them.

Friday, August 17, 2012

7 weeks

I'm 7 weeks 2 days pregnant today. Baby Piki is the size of a blueberry and is growing arm and leg buds this week. My nausea has still been pretty bad, but with the help of zofran i've actually been doing a little bit better. I've gotten quite a few naps in this week so I feel like i'm actually doing a lot better than I did in R's pregnancy. I was SO exhausted when I was pregnant with her.

On Tuesday (when I was 6 weeks 6 days) my friend Monica and I went to Memphis for my "official ultrasound". Thankfully it was at 10:30 instead of the 8:30 appointments I had before so we were all a lot more well rested and R was the only kid with us since D was visiting her grandma.  Anyways Piki was measuring right on track at around 7 weeks and had a heartbeat of 128.


But then there was a twist....
 Twins!!! The only thing is while baby A (the one with the heartbeat video) is doing great, Baby B only has a yolk sac and is measuring a few days behind Baby A. Either Baby B will make it or Baby B will shrink and eventually be reabsorbed back into my body. My next ultrasound is next Tuesday also at 10:30 and we should know the results.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My trip to San Diego

Even though I did share one, I realized I never shared some of the other pictures from the trip.

From Del Mar Beach

                                            Universal Studios.

  I know this may be weird but we went to Hollywood Forever to see celebrity graves.
And the Hollywood sign
And went to Moonlight Beach quite a few times.

  We got try a lot of different things while out there and had quite a few fun adventures. If I could ever afford to retire there, this would be the place. It was so easy and beautiful and I came home being more relaxed than i've ever been. I'm hoping in a few years we'll be able to do a family vacation to San Diego.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

6 weeks

Today I am 6 weeks and 3 days. Baby Piki is the size of a sweet pea. S/he is starting to sprout a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks.

This week has been pretty rough on me. The nausea is pretty intense every day. I have a hard time eating, which I feel horrible about but I know the baby is fine. I'm making sure to take all the medications and i've added a dha supplement to help with brain growth. For those who have been on prometrium before will probably know this, but I have been so dizzy most days. I knew it had a warning for it, and I was told not to eat with it or it may cause sleepiness/dizziness so I haven't been but whoa! I felt like crawling on the floor to get to places just to get around. Thankfully R took a nap in her crib, D sat next to me and watched tv until we both fell asleep.

I also had one day where I did not feel well at all so I ended up going to the doctor to get checked out. Everything was fine. I now am using 131.4 as my starting pregnancy weight and I got an ultrasound! Everything looked great and for now we only saw one little baby in there. This is how I was able to surprise D&J in an email.

My doctor suggested we set up another appointment in two weeks so we can get another look at the baby. He's so awesome like that.

That's it for now. Just a few more days and we'll be onto 7 weeks!

Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Weeks

Well today i'm 5 weeks 2 days pregnant. Baby Piki is the size of an apple seed. This week the heart is forming and should begin beating very soon.

As for me, right now i'm just trying to get through each day. If I can i've been taking naps in the afternoon with the girls. I've already had nausea that comes and goes throughout the day. The progesterone pills i've been taking has also made me really dizzy every morning when I wake up. I don't mind though as long as it keeps this baby (or babies) growing.

 I've been really into eating salads, pickles, and yogurt (though not at the same time). I have 11 days until my first ultrasound and I can't wait. I'm so anxious to know what's going on in there.