Sunday, July 29, 2012

And the results are....

I'm pregnant! I've known this for sure since the 20th and was able to happily share this picture with my couple. It was so exciting to tell them their baby is on the way! Of course by now the lines are as dark as the control lines. As for my blood results.

On Wed the 25th 10dp5dt HCG:336 Progesterone: 48.3
   Friday the 27th 12dp5dt HCG:607 Progesterone: 116

It didn't double the way I had hoped it would, but it's still a great result and thankfully I have a lot of friends who also were able to reassure me and share their stories of how their doubling times resulted in healthy little babies. Now I just have to wait for the ultrasound which will be August 11th or later. I have a feeling it may be the 14th if I can arrange it and while i'm ready for it to be here i'm also so nervous.

But for today, i'm just going to try to enjoy the rest of my birthday and pretend this baby is enjoying the slice of cake i'm having as much as I am!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The newest updates

Yeah, I didn't really keep up again. It's been over a month again since my last post. I had thought of updating last week, but then I kept forgetting.

Anyways so last time I talked about my monitoring cycle. A month later our IVF cycle has been completed. I ventured out to California and on the way stopping in Salt Lake City to fly in with my very good friend and her adorable little girl. We got to visit many places, had relaxing days at the beach, did a crazy amount of shopping, but most importantly met with D & J and began the process of making a baby.

On the 10th their donor had her retrieval and had 12 eggs, with 11 mature. The next day all of them fertilized. A few nights later we went out to dinner with her and she is such a sweet girl and so pretty! This baby/babies are going to be gorgeous! We had the transfer set for late morning/early afternoon on Sunday the 15th. D&J took me out to dinner the night before and I had my alcoholic beverage, a glass of champagne with my meal. We were all really nervous, but it was an absolutely amazing procedure and very cool to see the embies be put in. In total two were transferred. One was absolutely perfect and the other was fair. The ones with the stars are the ones transferred. The bigger one being the higher grade one.
 Anyways my pregnancy test is set for three days from now. I promise as soon as I know the results I will be updating them.